New algorithm enhances ptychographic image reconstruction
But in recent years advances in detectors and X-ray microscopes at light sources such as Berkeley Lab's Advanced Light Source (ALS) have made it possible to measure a ptychographic dataset in seconds. As a result, today ptychography is used in a range of scientific domains, including condensed-matter physics, cell biology and electronics.
In practice, X-ray ptychography works by focusing a beam of x-rays onto a spot in a sample. The scattering from the sample is recorded in the far field, and the recorded pattern is then phased to obtain the final image. The highest resolution attainable is not limited by the size of the focal spot, only by the numerical aperture and wavelength used. The phasing procedure in ptychography uses the overlap between consecutive exposures of the sample, plus the recorded far-field diffraction patterns, to reconstruct a high-resolution image of the sample.