Castle Biosciences Launches Next-Generation Sequencing Test DecisionDx-CMSeq for Cutaneous Melanoma
FRIENDSWOOD, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 30, 2018--Castle Biosciences, Inc., the skin cancer diagnostics company providing molecular diagnostics to improve cancer treatment decisions, today announced the launch of the DecisionDx ® -CM Seq test that uses next-generation sequencing (NGS) to identify somatic mutations in genes relevant to cutaneous (skin) melanoma (CM). The DecisionDx-CM Seq NGS test will provide additional information to complement Castle Biosciences’ DecisionDx ® -Melanoma gene expression profile (GEP) test that predicts individual risk of recurrence in patients with melanoma.
The DecisionDx-CM Seq test evaluates DNA mutations in two genes known to be relevant to melanoma, BRAF and NRAS. The test can be ordered in conjunction with the DecisionDx-Melanoma GEP test or as a standalone request.