A brown dwarf discovered 30 years ago is actually twins circling each other

A brown dwarf discovered 30 years ago is actually twins circling each other

17 hours ago
Anonymous $3GYXp5b5Gs


NEW YORK (AP) — A celestial object discovered decades ago is actually twins orbiting each other, a new study confirms.

Scientists have puzzled over the object known as Gliese 229B, the first known brown dwarf discovered 30 years ago. Brown dwarfs are sometimes called failed stars because they're lighter than stars, but heavier than gas giant planets.

A brown dwarf discovered 30 years ago is actually twins circling each other

Yesterday 3:13pm UTC
https://apnews.com/article/brown-dwarf-gliese-229b-614b24f9c9fa2e8c9c2f17158a8e817d > NEW YORK (AP) — A celestial object discovered decades ago is actually twins orbiting each other, a new study confirms. > Scientists have puzzled over the object known as Gliese 229B, the first known brown dwarf discovered 30 years ago. Brown dwarfs are sometimes called failed stars because they're lighter than stars, but heavier than gas giant planets.