2020 in Science: A SpaceX Bonanza, Lab-Grown Brains, and More
If you're an astronaut, you're used to being treated both like royalty and like a lab animal—imperial guinea pigs, perhaps. Next year, these august examinees will enroll in a new kind of experiment as they strap themselves into the first private, human-ready spacecraft to lift off of US soil.
That's not the only historic event to expect in 2020. Back on land, actual lab rats may find the year brings them something of a reprieve. Building on mountains of work, scientists have crafted beating mini-hearts and other realistic organoids that may now replace some rodents. Throw in advances in the hunt for dark matter (if you're in xenon sales, this is your lucky year), an out-of-this-world plan for satellites, and the Crispr'ing of just about everything, and the year ahead is shaping up to be delightfully sci-fi.