How Argentina’s Strict Covid-19 Lockdown Saved Lives

How Argentina’s Strict Covid-19 Lockdown Saved Lives

4 years ago
Anonymous $9CO2RSACsf

The sky was still dark when Gabriel pulled up and we piled our bags—heavy with uneaten camping meals—into the trunk of his dusty sedan. As he nosed the car off the dirt road and onto the paved streets of El Calafate, my partner J. and I scanned for signs of the police cars that had been patrolling them for the past 36 hours, orders to stay inside streaming from their loudspeakers. Gabriel knew where we were going. There was only one place in Argentina two people carrying American passports could be going.

“¿Tienen un vuelto?” he asked. Yes, we had a flight. Whether or not we’d be able to get on it though, that was the question. I glanced at my phone, trying to memorize the phrases I had typed into Google Translate and screenshotted the night before. J. turned on his data so we could call the emergency number the embassy in Buenos Aires had given us, just in case.