Positives in first published clinical trial of COVID-19 treatment

4 years ago
Anonymous $9CO2RSACsf


There are currently no specific treatments for COVID-19. However, it is possible that some existing drugs, usually used for other conditions, may have some benefits.

Professor Thomas Jaki, from the Medical and Pharmaceutical Statistics Research Unit in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Lancaster University, said the initial trial investigated whether anti-viral drugs used to treat HIV would relieve the symptoms of COVID-19 -- and started when there were less than 500 confirmed cases worldwide.

Positives in first published clinical trial of COVID-19 treatment

Apr 6, 2020, 7:33pm UTC
https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/04/200406120130.htm > There are currently no specific treatments for COVID-19. However, it is possible that some existing drugs, usually used for other conditions, may have some benefits. > Professor Thomas Jaki, from the Medical and Pharmaceutical Statistics Research Unit in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Lancaster University, said the initial trial investigated whether anti-viral drugs used to treat HIV would relieve the symptoms of COVID-19 -- and started when there were less than 500 confirmed cases worldwide.