Medical Students Can Give Vital Help in the COVID-19 Crisis

Medical Students Can Give Vital Help in the COVID-19 Crisis

4 years ago
Anonymous $9CO2RSACsf

The COVID-19 pandemic is putting an enormous strain on the health care system. This is due in part to the explosion in the number of cases and in part because health care professionals are themselves getting sick—in some cases fatally succumbing to the virus.

While medical students aren’t full-fledged physicians, we have a significant amount of clinical training and knowledge. As such, we could be used more effectively. We should consider physicians in training as welcome partners to the more seasoned doctors and nurses, especially given the booming rate of infection rates in the United States. The only thing prohibiting the utilization of such precious and valuable manpower is a lack of planning and strategic foresight. To address this need for physicians, some institutions have taken a reactionary approach by advancing graduation by a few months, making them into M.D.s slightly prematurely. However, this approach is not thorough.