Plane Deicer Lasts Several Thousand Hours
“A recent development that increases flight safety by keeping airplane propellers free of ice consists in painting or spraying the propeller blades with a chemical lacquer called Icelac. Black in color, it has a consistency something like that of glycerine, and paints or sprays freely to give a shiny, tacky surface. A satisfactory icing protective surface is maintained for several thousand hours.”
—Scientific American, April 1945
Plane Deicer Lasts Several Thousand Hours
Jan 28, 2020, 4:14pm UTC
> “A recent development that increases flight safety by keeping airplane propellers free of ice consists in painting or spraying the propeller blades with a chemical lacquer called Icelac. Black in color, it has a consistency something like that of glycerine, and paints or sprays freely to give a shiny, tacky surface. A satisfactory icing protective surface is maintained for several thousand hours.”
> —Scientific American, April 1945