Detecting E. coli strains using molecular electronics

Detecting E. coli strains using molecular electronics

6 years ago
Anonymous $yysEBM5EYi

"The reliable, efficient and inexpensive detection and identification of specific strains of microorganisms such as E. coli is a grand challenge in biology and the health sciences," said Hihath. "Our technique could pave the way for rapid, straightforward detection of pathogens, antimicrobial resistant bacterial strains and biomarkers for cancer."

Hihath and his team focused on E. coli since it is a common pathogen that could easily be found in the food supply, but might not cause illness in a benign form. The worst strain of E. coli, called E. coli O157:H7, produces a toxic substance called Shiga toxin that causes bloody diarrhea, kidney failure and even death.