Scientists to track the reaction of crystals to the electric field
The scientist said that detailed three-dimensional scattering maps were collected during the synchrotron experiments at the ESRF. These maps carry detailed information about the structure of the crystal and its response to the electric field. Next, a mathematical method was invented for extracting the relevant information from such maps. The crystals under study were placed in a special cell for the application of electric field. The cell was developed by alumnus of St. Petersburg Polytechnic University Tikhon Vergentiev as part of his Ph.D. project during his internship at the ESRF.
The structure of crystals can be described in different spatial scales. It is possible to describe the structure at the atomic level or at the level of large blocks of the atomic structure (domains, boundaries between domains, structural defects). When the external conditions change (temperature, pressure, etc.), all components of the structure react differently. The research team studied the response of the material to an electric field in its atomic and domain structures.