Tropical marine conservation needs to change as coral reefs decline
In Australia, the government has granted AUS$444m to the Great Barrier Reef foundation to find an innovative solution to the problems faced by its namesake coral reef. Proposals for reef shading, spreading of lime (to reduce seawater acidity), and "coral IVF" are all being investigated. In addition, major donor funding totalling US$86m has been given to the 50 Reefs programme aimed at saving some of the world's most resilient coral reefs from climate decimation. But these aren't solutions to the problem, they are merely sticking plasters. Despite lots of diverse work being carried out to save them it's looking increasingly likely that many coral reefs are going to be lost and we need to start addressing the problems that this will cause.
The loss of the world's coral reefs will result in hundreds of millions of people needing alternative supplies of food as these fisheries habitats rapidly decline in productivity. We are already seeing movement away from coral reef fisheries. In eastern Indonesia, research has found fishers are increasingly dependent on alternative habitats such as seagrass meadows and mangrove forests, instead of degraded and damaged coral reef habitats. By moving away from coral reefs, this highly intense fishing is being focused onto smaller areas. This decimates fish stocks even further, destroying the ecological balance of the tropical seascape.