Domestic violence interventions: Thoughts on what works to address this costly crime
A: My research focuses specifically on how domestic violence can be addressed through interventions that target offenders. Every state has some form of intervention treatment for offenders who are convicted of misdemeanors. The treatments are typically based on a model that is more than 30 years old. This model views domestic violence as an issue between heterosexual partners, with the man as the offender. Although the details vary from state to state and program to program, the treatments are typically performed as some form of group treatment, where only other offenders and the service providers are present.
There are approximately 2,500 batterer intervention programs across the U.S. In many states, repeat offenders are sentenced to more time in a program, but the particulars of the program don't change. There is no evidence from the research literature that more time in such a program leads to better outcomes.