NASA sees Tropical Storm 27W moving through Luzon Strait
At 1:10 a.m. EDT (0510 UTC) on Sept.10 the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer or MODIS instrument aboard NASA's Aqua satellite provided a visible image of Tropical Storm 27W. Satellite imagery shows a small, slowly consolidating system with flaring central convection (developing thunderstorms) and shallow bands of thunderstorms loosely wrapping into an obscured low level circulation.
At 11 a.m. EDT (1500 UTC) on Sept. 10, 27W was located near latitude 21.3 degrees north and longitude 120.4 degrees east. That's about 225 nautical miles south of Taipei, Taiwan. Maximum sustained winds were near 40 mph (35 knots/62 kph). 27W is moving toward the west-southwest near 7 mph (6 knots/11 kph).