Adapting technology to image blood vessels in skin disease

Adapting technology to image blood vessels in skin disease

6 years ago
Anonymous $oIHRkISgaL

Adela Rambi G. Cardones, MD, HS'06-'09, associate professor of dermatology, wanted to create a device that could capture an image of at least a centimeter of skin area through a quick, non-invasive process. She wanted to detect the speed, color, and amount of blood flowing through the small blood vessels in order to make a fast, painless, accurate diagnosis.

Junjie Yao, Ph.D., assistant professor of biomedical engineering, develops photoacoustic imaging: the conversion of light beamed through tissue into ultrasound waves that are then analyzed to create high-resolution images. Photoacoustic imaging can reveal a tissue's anatomical, functional, and metabolic properties, with specificity at the molecular and neuronal level.