IBM Research releases 'Diversity in Faces' dataset to advance study of fairness in facial recognition systems

IBM Research releases 'Diversity in Faces' dataset to advance study of fairness in facial recognition systems

5 years ago
Anonymous $Dftgs0JzgE

Much of the power of AI today comes from the use of data-driven deep learning to train increasingly accurate models by using growing amounts of data. However, the strength of these techniques can also be a weakness. The AI systems learn what they're taught, and if they are not taught with robust and diverse datasets, accuracy and fairness could be at risk. For that reason, IBM, along with AI developers and the research community, need to be thoughtful about what data we use for training. IBM remains committed to developing AI systems to make the world more fair.

The challenge in training AI is manifested in a very apparent and profound way with facial recognition technology. Today, there can be difficulties in making facial recognition systems that meet fairness expectations. The heart of the problem is not with the AI technology itself, per se, but with how the AI-powered facial recognition systems are trained. For the facial recognition systems to perform as desired – and the outcomes to become increasingly accurate – training data must be diverse and offer a breadth of coverage. For example, the training data sets must be large enough and different enough that the technology learns all the ways in which faces differ to accurately recognize those differences in a variety of situations. The images must reflect the distribution of features in faces we see in the world.

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