Black holes from an exacomputer

6 years ago
Anonymous $CLwNLde341

The challenge in simulating black holes lies in the necessity of solving the complex Einstein system of equations. This can only be done numerically and exploiting the power oi parallel supercomputers. How accurately and how quickly a solution can be approximated depends on the algorithm used. In this case, the team headed by Professor Luciano Rezzolla from the Institute of Theoretical Physics at the Goethe University and the FIAS achieved a milestone. Over the long term, this theoretical work could expand the experimental possibilities for detecting gravitational waves from other astronomical bodies besides black holes.

The novel numerical method, which employs the ideas of the Russian physicist Galerkin, allows the computation of gravitational waves on supercomputers with very high accuracy and speed. "Reaching this result, which has been the goal of many groups worldwide for many years, was not easy," says Prof. Rezzolla. "Although what we accomplished is only a small step toward modelling realistic black holes, we expect our approach to become the paradigm of all future calculations."

Black holes from an exacomputer

May 30, 2018, 4:17am UTC > The challenge in simulating black holes lies in the necessity of solving the complex Einstein system of equations. This can only be done numerically and exploiting the power oi parallel supercomputers. How accurately and how quickly a solution can be approximated depends on the algorithm used. In this case, the team headed by Professor Luciano Rezzolla from the Institute of Theoretical Physics at the Goethe University and the FIAS achieved a milestone. Over the long term, this theoretical work could expand the experimental possibilities for detecting gravitational waves from other astronomical bodies besides black holes. > The novel numerical method, which employs the ideas of the Russian physicist Galerkin, allows the computation of gravitational waves on supercomputers with very high accuracy and speed. "Reaching this result, which has been the goal of many groups worldwide for many years, was not easy," says Prof. Rezzolla. "Although what we accomplished is only a small step toward modelling realistic black holes, we expect our approach to become the paradigm of all future calculations."