Bootstrap 4.1 Has Been Released
Here’s what’s new in addition to our bug fixes and docs updates:
- Added new custom range form control.
- Added new .carousel-fade modifier to switch carousel from horizontal sliding to crossfade.
- Added new .dropdown-item-text for plaintext dropdown items.
- Added new .flex-fill, .flex-grow-*, and .flex-shrink-* utilities.
- Added new .table-borderless variant for tables.
- Added new .text-monospace utility.
- Added new .text-body (default body color), .text-black-50 (50% opacity black), and .text-white-50 (50% opacity white) utilities.
- Added new .shadow-* utilities for quickly adding box-shadows.
- Added ability to disable Popper’s positioning in dropdowns.
- Updated our Theming docs to confirm you cannot use CSS variables in media queries (sorry folks!).
- Fixed longstanding issue with Chrome rendering CSS columns incorrectly for cards.
- Deprecated .text-hide—you’ll see a warning during compilation—as it’s a dated and undocumented feature.
- Fixed up Dashboard and Offcanvas examples across Firefox and IE.
- Breadcrumbs can now use non-string values as dividers.
Ooo, I wonder if I should upgrade Comentr to use it...