Bug brings back legacy checkmarks

Bug brings back legacy checkmarks

a year ago
Anonymous $QMjB47b2Hv


Update 5/1/23: Title updated to reflect this bug only allowed the user to see their legacy check. See update at end of article.

A silly Twitter bug allowed previously-verified accounts to add their legacy 'Blue Check' back to their profile for free.

Bug brings back legacy checkmarks

May 1, 2023, 3:24pm UTC
https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/technology/twitter-bug-let-legacy-verified-accounts-see-blue-check-in-their-profile/ > Update 5/1/23: Title updated to reflect this bug only allowed the user to see their legacy check. See update at end of article. > A silly Twitter bug allowed previously-verified accounts to add their legacy 'Blue Check' back to their profile for free.