DDoSers are abusing Microsoft RDP to make attacks more powerful

DDoSers are abusing Microsoft RDP to make attacks more powerful

4 years ago
Anonymous $y15ULlV7sG


DDoS-for-hire services are abusing the Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol to increase the firepower of distributed denial-of-service attacks that paralyze websites and other online services, a security firm said this week.

Typically abbreviated as RDP, Remote Desktop Protocol is the underpinning for a Microsoft Windows feature that allows one device to log into another device over the Internet. RDP is mostly used by businesses to save employees the cost or hassle of having to be physically present when accessing a computer.

DDoSers are abusing Microsoft RDP to make attacks more powerful

Jan 23, 2021, 5:26pm UTC
https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2021/01/ddosers-are-abusing-microsoft-rdp-to-make-attacks-more-powerful/ > DDoS-for-hire services are abusing the Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol to increase the firepower of distributed denial-of-service attacks that paralyze websites and other online services, a security firm said this week. > Typically abbreviated as RDP, Remote Desktop Protocol is the underpinning for a Microsoft Windows feature that allows one device to log into another device over the Internet. RDP is mostly used by businesses to save employees the cost or hassle of having to be physically present when accessing a computer.