Open Source Hazelcast Data Grid Optimized on Intel Optane for AI, IoT Workloads
The recently announced collaboration between in-memory computing platform provider Hazelcast and processor maker Intel to accelerate Hazelcast technologies on Intel chips has borne fruit. The latest release of Hazelcast's namesake Java-based in-memory data grid (IMDG 4.0) has been optimized for Intel Optane DC Persistent Memory. The result, the two companies say, is increased data density and more cost-efficient access to in-memory speeds.
The strategic co-engineering effort, dubbed Project Veyron, is focused on accelerating the performance of real-time applications, artificial intelligence (AI), and internet of things (IoT) solutions for the enterprise. Intel Optane is workload-optimized technology that comes with all new 2nd Generation Intel Xeon Scalable processors.