Intro to Financial Engineering
Luke PoseyBlockedUnblockFollowFollowingApr 12Financial Engineering aka Understanding Risk & Predicting the Future…Credit: UnsplashWhat is Financial Engineering?Financial Engineering, at its core, is the study of applying math, statistics, computer science, economic theory, and (any) other quantitative methods to analyzing and modelling markets. For this reason, many financial engineers come from quantitative fields like engineering, statistics, computer science, math, economics and more. These fields are comfortable with building models and have strong backgrounds in math, statistics, and sometimes programming. Ultimately, Financial Engineers work at the intersection of Data Science and Finance. Most Financial Engineering programs at universities in the United States require entrants to be proficient (or at least have some exposure) in Matrix Theory/Linear Algebra, Probability and Statistics, Calculus, and Programming. Financial Engineers use these tools to model markets and drive decision making. They are mostly seen in institutions where understanding risk and analyzing data to drive policy and decision making is the name of the game, i.e. banks, insurance companies, hedge funds, and governments.
Hopefully at the end of this article you see Financial Engineering as a worthy pursuit. Being a competent Financial Engineer won’t come easy, but with hard work and perseverance you can sharpen your skills until you get there.