What Should I Learn First? The Language Or The Framework?
Through my coding journey, I have learned how to write code on different types of programming languages, use diverse technologies, and frameworks on projects. Many times, I have asked myself the same question. Should I learn the programming language first? Or just because I have worked in other programming languages, I should go ahead start using the framework? So, to answer this question, I have taken both paths on different occasions. That is, I have learned the programming language first, then the framework and vice-versa. So, today I am going to share what has helped me through my journey in the world of programming.
Just like any other discipline, you should learn the fundamentals first. For example, let’s go to the world of sports. When you start learning how to play basketball, to be a successful basketball player you need first to learn how to shoot the ball and pass it correctly. Well, in my opinion of course. Furthermore, you need to know how the different ways of scoring a basket such as a layup, a jump shot, using the glass, among other methods. Not to get too technical here, my point is that before you can dunk the ball, you must dominate the basics first.