Why I don’t use React-Router
React-Router is arguably the most popular routing solution for writing React applications today. Most frontend developers these days automatically include Redux, React-Redux and React-Router as de-facto dependencies for pretty much any application. Including Redux, is something I can understand, as it provides quite a few tangible benefits, but what I don’t understand is why anybody would settle for a routing solution that is both inferior and needlessly complicated.
For a bit of background, let me say that while I’ve been working across the stack for the past 12 years, my primary preference has always been to work on the backend, or on non-browser front ends. I used to absolutely loathe writing front-end code for browsers, because it was too messy, and inevitably devolved into a huge mess of spaghetti code. Thankfully, the last few years, tooling for the front-end has improved tremendously and most of my pain points have been resolved. I started actively writing browser front-end code, when I first started learning React, some three+ years ago.