Fallout 76 rumored to be an online survival game

Fallout 76 rumored to be an online survival game

6 years ago
Anonymous $CLwNLde341


Bethesda unveiled Fallout 76 earlier today with a teaser confirming that, yes, this is a videogame that is being made. The teaser starts off in what's become fairly routine for Fallout, with a close-up of a radio that slowly pulls back as music plays to reveal the game world. But even though the formula is the same, important elements are different: The song, Country Roads, is much newer than tracks used in previous trailers (the original was released in 1971) and the setting looks relatively intact, and even normal. 

According to three sources who spoke anonymously to Kotaku, the game itself will be different from previous Fallout games too. Instead of a single-player RPG/shooter, the sources said it will be an online survival game in the vein of Rust and DayZ. There will be a storyline and quests, but the focus will be on base building, similar to what was seen in Fallout 4 (which, by the way, I found terribly tedious), and other survival and multiplayer mechanics. It was originally envisioned as a multiplayer Fallout 4, according to the report, but has evolved since then into something distinct.