World War 3 promises large-scale modern combat and battle royale later this year
The Farm 51, whose previous games include Get Even, Painkiller: Hell and Damnation, and Necrovision, has unveiled its latest project, a modern-military multiplayer FPS called—and full points for subtlety on this one—World War 3. The new game will offer "large-scale combined arms battles with infantry, armored vehicles, and drones," and of course there will also be a separate battle royale mode called Recon.
Recon mode will be a fairly small-scale affair, built around individual reconnaissance squads tasked with capturing high-value targets in hostile territory. The Warzone mode is intended to be more strategic, with combined arms combat based on real-world military forces and locations such as Warsaw, Berlin, and Moscow. The big-picture war will also unfold across a strategic map: Kills, destroyed vehicles, and other achievements will all have an impact on the direction of the war, which will eventually consume the entire planet.