Every E3 2018 Rumor So Far -- Fortnite Switch, Borderlands, Gears Of War 5
E3 2018 is right around the corner, and that means a ton of video game news, announcements, and reveals are almost upon us. Several of the show's biggest games--Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, Battlefield V, Rage 2--have been announced in the weeks leading up to the event, but that doesn't mean E3 itself won't have some surprises in store for us. According to the rumor mill, there's quite a lot that could happen.
A Korean ratings board listing has revealed what could be an E3 surprise: A Nintendo Switch port of Fortnite. The listing doesn't specify which of the game's modes--Save the World or the phenomenally popular Battle Royale--will be included, but it's hard to imagine the latter would not make the cut.