Free PC Games And Rewards On Steam This Weekend
Spring has sprung, which means the tidier people of the world are rummaging through basements and closets in the ritual of spring cleaning. To create a fun digital analog for the yearly chore, Steam is encouraging customers to dig through their backlog of games and try out some of the ones they never (or hardly) played. Additionally, between now and Monday, May 28, Steam is giving all players free access to a selection of nine games they might have missed.
The full list of games you can play for free this weekend is below, but here are some of the highlights. Don't Starve Together is a standalone multiplayer version of the 2013 survival game. Cities Skylines is a city-building game that attempts to (and largely succeeds at) one-upping SimCity. Castle Crashers is a delightful multiplayer beat-'em-up, and Dirt 4 delivers intense off-road racing. Then there are some big games you probably already know about but may not have played, like Left 4 Dead 2 and Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor.