Detroit: Become Human Reviews Roundup (PS4)
Detroit: Become Human, the latest narrative adventure game from David Cage's studio Quantic Dream, debuts this week. The developer has a history of story-heavy games with mature themes and dramatic cinematography, and Detroit is no exception. Taking place in a near-future setting where androids are treated as second-class citizens, you follow the journeys of three such automatons as they impact the coming revolution.
How does it handle this heady subject matter? Unevenly, judging by the critical response. According to our verdict, the story intertwines gracefully and captures some unforgettable moments, but it appropriates real-life events like the Civil Rights movement clumsily. Our Detroit: Become Human review also concluded that despite being built for multiple playthroughs with branching story paths, going back and seeing another possibility didn't feel fulfilling or worthwhile. Read on for a quick glance at impressions from around the industry, or go to GameSpot's sister site Metacritic for the wider consensus.