US Senate votes to restore net neutrality, but now it has to pass the House
The United States Senate has just voted to restore net neutrality regulations, which the FCC voted in December to eliminate. The vote was the result of a last-ditch effort by numerous websites and Senate Democrats, and thanks to the magic of C-SPAN, you can watch the process unfold.
There was some doubt that the vote would pass, as the widespread popular support for net neutrality is not reflected in the US government. But as Business Insider noted, three Republican Senators joined the Democrats, and it was ultimately enough to get the vote across the line by a count of 52-47. Most Republicans, including FCC chairman Ajit Pai, say that net neutrality regulations actually place an unfair burden on ISPs that stifles innovation; supporters argue that eliminating regulations opens the door to allowing them to prioritize traffic and charge more for certain services.