Who’s competing in Nintendo’s E3 Super Smash Bros. Invitational
Nintendo is hosting a Super Smash Bros. competition at this year’s E3, and has invited eight of the best players from around the world to battle it out in the new, still-mysterious Switch fighting game. Today, Nintendo announced which top-tier Super Smash Bros. players are coming to E3, and if you have even a passing interest in competitive Smash, you probably know their names.
The list includes Evo and Genesis champs Mang0 and MkLeo, as well as the winner of Nintendo’s Super Smash Bros. Invitational at E3 2014, ZeRo. But it sounds like all eight will be going into the Super Smash Bros. Invitational fresh; Nintendo said that competitors will get their hands on the Switch version of the game for the first time at the event.