Destiny 2: Warmind stream reveals Ana Bray, new Hive horde mode, and season 3 changes
This morning Bungie rolled open the giant steel blast doors on the upcoming Destiny 2 expansion Warmind. As part of reveal stream on its Twitch channel, we got our first look at Hunter Gunslinger Ana Bray, scion of the Clovis Bray Corporation of the Golden Age, as well as the new Escalation Protocol horde mode, details of the Warmind campaign, weapons and armor, and big changes to Exotics coming in season 3.
Warmind will see players travel to Mars to deal with an awakened Rasputin, the "Warmind" of the title who has set off a system-wide chain of events that's causing the planet's polar icecaps to melt. The good news is that the receding frost has revealed some unexpected secrets, including an ancient Clovis Bray facility that's been entombed on the planet since the collapse. Naturally, there's where Ana Bray gets involved: She's a "cornerstone" character who will serve as both a vendor and a "mentor" to the character in the expansion, and hopefully play a far more integral role than Osiris did on Mercury.