Here’s what’s coming in Destiny 2’s Warmind expansion
In today’s Twitch reveal stream for Destiny 2: Warmind, the second expansion for Destiny 2, Bungie confirmed that players will be returning to Mars in this add-on. But this time, they’ll be exploring the planet’s thawing ice caps, not its red deserts. The Warmind Rasputin has awoken, and awaits players on the red planet. You will fight alongside Ana Bray and take on a formerly frozen Hive army known as the Grasp of Nokris in order to reach Rasputin’s core.
Warmind also brings quite a few updates to PvP, offering ranked modes for competitive (Glory) and casual (Valor) play. This new Crucible setup offers a real leveling experience for players in either mode. However, the competitive playlist will see you move up and down the ladder as you succeed or fail. Finally, each season will have a PvP-exclusive gun for players to chase after.