Farmer Plays Game About Farming As An Escape From His Farming Life
Stardew Valley gained a cult following and commercial success by providing players with a relaxing, structured, zen-like experience: making it as a farmer in a small village. In a world dominated by high-octane, action-packed games, Stardew Valley's chores and routines are calming, entrancing, and enjoyable for many players. And among those players who love the game is an actual farmer.
That's right, Tim from northern California is a farmer, and he uses a game about farming to relax and distract himself while farming. He posted a picture recently on the Stardew Valley subreddit showing him planting a field in the game while driving a tractor that's planting a field in real life. It's all very meta. Don't worry about him being distracted driving while playing games--the tractors are GPS-guided and only have to drive in long, straight lines.