Hearthstone Reveals More Witchwood Cards

Hearthstone Reveals More Witchwood Cards

6 years ago
Anonymous $gIi3-PxxKB


Blizzard has another expansion for Hearthstone on the way, a journey into the haunted forest of the Witchwood. The studio has gone mostly quiet since its debut, but today it kicked off two weeks of planned card reveals with a livestream debuting some of the new set.

The stream revealed 10 cards in all, including two class Legendary cards and the one and only new Hero Card of the expansion. The Hero is a Shaman alternate, Hagatha the Witch. She deals 3 damage to all minions upon entering the field, and then has a passive Hero Power that gives you a random spell for each minion played. This was described as the main character of the expansion, since she's the witch of the woods.

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