In tribute of Stephen Hawking, EVE Online pilots are lighting beacons all across its galaxy

In tribute of Stephen Hawking, EVE Online pilots are lighting beacons all across its galaxy

7 years ago
Anonymous $gIi3-PxxKB

Science fiction owes a great deal to Stephen Hawking. His groundbreaking theories in astrophysics and cosmology helped cement our understanding of everything from black holes to relativity. And when he passed away yesterday at the age of 76, players in the EVE Online community decided to recognize his contributions to science in their own way by covering the night sky in beacons.

Called cynosural beacons, these modules emit a bright, radiant light and are used to open jump bridges that ships can use as a warp destination. On a normal day, seeing a cynosural beacon flare up is reason to panic—it often signals the cavalry has arrived to obliterate you. But yesterday and today, the beacons are appearing all across space as tribute to Hawking and his achievements.