Undertale coming to Switch brings indie games’ GameMaker Studio engine with it

Undertale coming to Switch brings indie games’ GameMaker Studio engine with it

7 years ago
Anonymous $gIi3-PxxKB


Yesterday’s news of Undertale coming to Nintendo Switch was notable for more than just the fan-favorite game being ported to the platform. It also kicks off a deal between Nintendo and the makers of GameMaker Studio 2, the engine behind Undertale.

YoYo Games, the engine’s designer, said it had reached a partnership with Nintendo that, beginning this summer, will allow developers to export their work directly to the Switch architecture.

Undertale coming to Switch brings indie games’ GameMaker Studio engine with it

Mar 9, 2018, 5:26pm UTC
https://www.polygon.com/2018/3/9/17100548/gamemaker-studio-2-nintendo-switch-undertale >Yesterday’s news of Undertale coming to Nintendo Switch was notable for more than just the fan-favorite game being ported to the platform. It also kicks off a deal between Nintendo and the makers of GameMaker Studio 2, the engine behind Undertale. >YoYo Games, the engine’s designer, said it had reached a partnership with Nintendo that, beginning this summer, will allow developers to export their work directly to the Switch architecture.