Kingdom Come: Deliverance Kickstarter stretch goals are still coming

Kingdom Come: Deliverance Kickstarter stretch goals are still coming

6 years ago
Anonymous $gIi3-PxxKB

Kingdom Come: Deliverance began life as a Kickstarter way back in early 2014—a very successful Kickstarter, which as commonly happens in crowdfunding campaigns led to a slew of stretch goals. Many were achieved, including a playable female character at £600,000 and a dog companion at £1 million, yet they remain unrealized. That in itself isn't necessary a big deal, but it became an issue today when Polygon reported that Warhorse Studios "is unwilling to commit to fulfilling all of those goals," and refused to say which of them it would fulfill, and when.   

"The development is currently focusing on creating the best experience for the base game as possible for as many fans as possible," Warhorse PR manager Tobias Stolz-Zwilling told the site. "There is more in development including some of the KS stretch goals, but there’s no public timeframe for release yet."