Hackers infiltrated Tesla's Amazon cloud account to mine cryptocurrency

Hackers infiltrated Tesla's Amazon cloud account to mine cryptocurrency

6 years ago
Anonymous $v9r5mEH86V


Tesla is the latest victim of what's known as cryptojacking, which is when a company is hacked and its resources used to mine cryptocurrency. In this case, hackers were able to break into Tesla's Amazon cloud account

Cybersecurity startup RedLock Cloud Security Intelligence (yes, that would be CSI) discovered the intrusion last month. Or more accurately, it stumbled upon the intrusion while investigating Kubernetes administration consoles being accessible over the internet due to a lack of password protection. These consoles are designed to help IT admins manage virtual machines.

Hackers infiltrated Tesla's Amazon cloud account to mine cryptocurrency

Feb 20, 2018, 9:22pm UTC
https://www.pcgamer.com/hackers-infiltrated-teslas-amazon-cloud-account-to-mine-cryptocurrency/ >Tesla is the latest victim of what's known as cryptojacking, which is when a company is hacked and its resources used to mine cryptocurrency. In this case, hackers were able to break into Tesla's Amazon cloud account >Cybersecurity startup RedLock Cloud Security Intelligence (yes, that would be CSI) discovered the intrusion last month. Or more accurately, it stumbled upon the intrusion while investigating Kubernetes administration consoles being accessible over the internet due to a lack of password protection. These consoles are designed to help IT admins manage virtual machines.