50 senators want to overturn the FCC's plans to kill net neutrality, but chances are slim

50 senators want to overturn the FCC's plans to kill net neutrality, but chances are slim

7 years ago
Anonymous $v9r5mEH86V


Senator Ed Markey leads the resolution of disapproval to reverse the FCC's decision.

On December 14, the FCC voted 3-2 to overturn the 2015 regulations that placed broadband and mobile under Title II of the Telecommunications Act, which had given the FCC the legal standing to more comprehensively regulate ISPs. As he overturned the 2015 Open Internet Act, FCC Chairman Ajit Pai cheekily called the reversal "protecting internet freedom," even though the Title II protections let the FCC expressly forbid anti-consumer practices like throttling and paid prioritization for certain data.