Civilization VI: Rise and Fall Gives Canada’s Cree Nation A Chance to Take on the World

Civilization VI: Rise and Fall Gives Canada’s Cree Nation A Chance to Take on the World

6 years ago
Anonymous $1bh8zaeyQS

For years Canadian Civ fans have been begging for representation, and it seems it’s finally happening. Well, sort of. Civilization VI developer Firaxis have announced the Cree under Poundmaker will be part of the upcoming Rise and Fall expansion. The Cree people are almost entirely native to what’s now Canada, although Poundmaker had a complicated relationship with the Canadian government. One that ended in him being unjustly imprisoned for treason.

So, yeah, it would be a stretch to call the Cree under Poundmaker the first Canadian civ, but this Canadian is happy to see them added. The Cree’s traditional lands are right in my back yard, and my ancestors, The Metis, fought alongside Poundmaker’s people. I definitely never expected my little corner of the world to be represented in a video game. But hey, enough personal details.