Get in the mood for Star Wars with this Jawa follower mod for Skyrim
Welcome to the terrifying and stressful period of time on the internet when a new Star Wars film is out and all you want to do is avoid spoilers until you see it. You have nothing to fear from me—I haven't seen it yet myself, and my only purpose right now is to show you this mod that will let a cute Jawa follow you around in Skyrim.
The mod carefully calls this fellow a Ja'wa (another mod by the creators at Haem Projects adds a BB-8 inspired droid called Snippy). In the original Star Wars movie, Jawas were the little dudes in brown robes who scavenged and resold old robots (most notably R2-D2 and C-3PO) to gruff dirt farmers and their whiny nephews. I daresay, in terms of short Star Wars creatures with indecipherable languages, Jawas are far more appealing than Ewoks.