The hurtful healer Moira is now live in Overwatch
The Talon-teaming Overwatch healer hero Moira, who made her debut on the PTR less than two weeks ago, is now live and playable in the full game. Today's update also makes a few bug fixes to the game, and brings a minor buff to Ana, a nerf to Mercy, and slight playability improvements to Lucio and Winston.
From the update notes: "Moira’s cutting-edge capabilities make her a mobile healer and damage dealer capable of adapting to any situation. Her main attack is Biotic Grasp, which she can use to either heal allies or sap an enemy’s life force. Biotic Grasp’s primary fire sprays a cone of energy that heals all teammates within range, draining biotic energy while active, which will replenish slowly over time. Her alternate fire is a beam that tethers to enemies, dealing damage and siphoning health. Draining her foes’ health regenerates Moira’s biotic energy even faster, allowing more healing for her allies."