The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim for Nintendo Switch Review – Fus-Ro-Dah Wherever You Want
Just a few days ago I had a moment where I was playing The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and I had to go out. Like, outside, in real life. Begrudgingly, I quicksaved and went to put my Switch into sleep mode when, suddenly, I realized I could pick it up and take it with me, continue cave spelunking while I was in the passenger seat. Glorious. It’s a simple and obvious thing, everyone with a Switch is well aware of handheld mode, but the way it changes games we’ve played in the past is what’s so fascinating.
I remember playing Skyrim when it first released, and that initial week – despite being riddled with bugs at the time – was a glorious romp. These days, games like The Witcher 3 absolutely devastate Skyrim’s once advanced world, but that’s not the say the Nordic Highlands are any less enjoyable than they once were. Riding through the world on horseback with my Housecarl Lydia is still loads of fun, even years later.