EA commits to changing Star Wars Battlefront 2 progression system in Reddit AMA
Electronic Arts ran face-first into the wall that is gamer anger over Star Wars Battlefront 2 today, as executive producer John Wasilczyk, associate design director Dennis Brannvall, and producer Paul Keslin volunteered as tributes for a Reddit AMA. Full credit to the three of them for stepping into the breach, but the questions, and the answers provided, are pretty much what you'd expect.
Regarding the obvious point of contention—the many hours of grind required to unlock hero characters—EA has "seen the speculation," but its own figures "based on the Play First trial are much faster than what's out there," Wasilczyk said. "But as more players come in, that could change. We're committed to making progression a fun experience for all of our players. Nothing should feel unattainable and if it does, we'll do what it takes to make sure it's both fun and achievable. As we update and expand Arcade mode, we'll be working towards making sure that players can continue to progress without daily limits."