Pokemon Black Friday 2017 Deals: All 3DS Game Sales And Discounts
Only one week remains until Black Friday 2017, which means you'll soon be able to find a ton of discounts on video games, consoles, and accessories across all platforms. That's also true for 3DS, which will see a number of its recent and older releases go on sale, including the mainline Pokemon series.
The newest Pokemon titles, Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, launch one week ahead of the big shopping day, and while there won't be any notable deals on those games at major retailers this Black Friday, you'll be able to find some nice discounts on the series' previous 3DS installments. Based on the ads that have been released, GameStop will have the best offer for those still looking to pick up Pokemon X and Y or Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. Pre-owned versions of those games will be available for $20 apiece, or you can pick up three of them for $40--effectively netting you one of the games for free.