Star Wars Battlefront 2 Tips: Which Class Is Right For You?
In Star Wars Battlefront II, there are a number of roles to take on while on the galactic frontlines. From Imperial armies, Rebel forces, and many other sides spanning the film series--each fighting force will fight for their cause in the expansive conflict. As you wage your battle along the galactic frontier, you'll come to find a set of classes that have their own role to play in the larger fight, and possess a number of nuances and techniques that can be improved upon over time.
In this guide, GameSpot will be offering tips and information on the four core classes in Battlefront II. Including what their main skills and roles are in battle, and how you can upgrade them over the course of your career. Be sure to check back with us for more guides for this online Star Wars game, along with our review-in-progress about the state of things in DICE's online shooter.