The Evil Within 2 director weighs in on scarcity of big budget horror

The Evil Within 2 director weighs in on scarcity of big budget horror

6 years ago
Anonymous $ZOEEBQ1zf0

In my opinion – and in the opinion of our reviewer Joe – The Evil Within 2 is a damn fine horror game. But overall, survival horror isn't particularly huge on the blockbuster games scene anymore. Sure, it's better than it was five years ago, with games like Alien: Isolation, Resident Evil 7 and the original Evil Within releasing to positive reviews, but they're not as common as they were in the early 2000s.

Why's that? Game Watcher asked The Evil Within 2 game director John Johanas recently, and his answer was quite illuminating. The general message is that survival horror games, and especially big budgets ones, are too big a risk for most publishers to take on.

The Evil Within 2 director weighs in on scarcity of big budget horror

Nov 3, 2017, 2:18am UTC >In my opinion – and in the opinion of our reviewer Joe – The Evil Within 2 is a damn fine horror game. But overall, survival horror isn't particularly huge on the blockbuster games scene anymore. Sure, it's better than it was five years ago, with games like Alien: Isolation, Resident Evil 7 and the original Evil Within releasing to positive reviews, but they're not as common as they were in the early 2000s. >Why's that? Game Watcher asked The Evil Within 2 game director John Johanas recently, and his answer was quite illuminating. The general message is that survival horror games, and especially big budgets ones, are too big a risk for most publishers to take on.