Watch lots of people get slo-mo murdered in the Assassin's Creed: Origins launch trailer
Assassin's Creed: Origins, the game with the $60,000 headphones (and by the way, I still haven't received a reply to my inquiry about getting a review set), comes out on October 27, which is just four days away. What the game is all about has already been pretty well established, and the title is a pretty big spoiler in that regard too. But maybe you need a quick catch-up, or maybe you just want to spend a couple of minutes watching a guy cinematically disembowel a bunch of other guys. Either way, the launch trailer is here to help.
A quick rundown of what it's got: There's a stabbing, a strangling, a shield-bash, a double-axe face-chop, a mid-air triple-arrow perforation, a camel-chicken decapitation, a defiant stand against a divine manifestation, a Babe-Ruth-called-shot to the pie hole, the ol' smack-em-and-stick-em, and of course the leaping stab downward that turns a guy's skull into a pimento on a toothpick. It's all rendered very dramatically, as you'd expect from this sort of production, and while we can't completely overlook the fact that it's really just a mass murder montage, it is awfully pretty.