Destiny 2 Director: An Extremely High % of Players Are Level Capped; We Stand By Fixed Weapon Perks

Destiny 2 Director: An Extremely High % of Players Are Level Capped; We Stand By Fixed Weapon Perks

6 years ago
Anonymous $uquhsGEL_U

Destiny 2 Director Luke Smith, who also worked on ‘The Taken King’ expansion, was featured in a post-launch interview published on EDGE’s latest issue (#312) where he revealed that lots of players, clearly more than Bungie had anticipated, have completed the campaign and reached the game’s level cap.

There have been some pleasant surprises, but there are some that ask you to be introspective about them, too. An extremely high percentage of players have both finished the campaign and reached the level cap. Like, a shocking number of players. I think that’s a really interesting data point, and the team should be really proud of that. It means that, when people enter the world, they’re sticking around.