Toxic Overwatch Players On Xbox One Will Have Voice Chat Disabled
Overwatch got a massive new patch today and it added a new map for everyone, Junkertown, and also introduced a series of character balance changes. That's not all, though, as the patch also made a pretty significant change on Xbox One specifically.
Players who have bad reputations on Xbox Live, those designated as "Avoid Me," will have their in-game voice chat disabled. However, these players will stay in the same matchmaking groups as everyone else. Blizzard didn't say if it's employing a similar approach on PS4.
Toxic Overwatch Players On Xbox One Will Have Voice Chat Disabled
Sep 20, 2017, 10:27am UTC
>Overwatch got a massive new patch today and it added a new map for everyone, Junkertown, and also introduced a series of character balance changes. That's not all, though, as the patch also made a pretty significant change on Xbox One specifically.
>Players who have bad reputations on Xbox Live, those designated as "Avoid Me," will have their in-game voice chat disabled. However, these players will stay in the same matchmaking groups as everyone else. Blizzard didn't say if it's employing a similar approach on PS4.